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Happy Birthday

It’s hard to believe, but Trusting Bamboo Bridges was released to the world a whole year ago. What a rush! As a birthday gift to my readers, and those perspective readers, the e-book price has been dropped to under 5 Canadian dollars. That means it’s even...

Be not afraid

The other day I picked up my high-end, relatively expensive DSLR camera and noticed a rattle – a little metallic tinkle when I gave it a shake. I shrugged, turned the camera on, and … nothing happened. A sharp pang of dread struck just below my left shoulder...

Words, unsupervised

  They’re here, they’re here, they’re finally here! It’s a little surreal to have a stack of cardboard boxes sitting on my office floor, full of shiny new novels; the covers unopened, the spines un-cracked. Pages covered in tiny black...

It’s just like this

  Well dear readers, the time has just about come. I may be sitting calmly behind my laptop, enjoying the afternoon sun and sipping a coffee, but inside I’m a mess. The printer has promised my books will be ready to ship by Tuesday. No more changes. Any...